Saturday, September 8, 2012

NTC GPRS setting for Nokia phones

NTC GPRS Setting for Nokia (N70, N72, N73, N76, N81, N93, N95, E63, E65, E71, E90, 3230, 3250, 5700 Xpress Music, 6120c, 6600, 6630, 6680, 7610) LG-KT610
1. Enter the main Menu, Tools, Settings, Connection
2. Select Access points and go to options and then new access point with default settings
  a. Connection Name: Ntc
  b. Data bearer: Packet Data/GPRS
  c. Access point name: ntwap
  d. Leave username and password fields as it is
  e. Authentication: Normal
  f. Homepage:

3. Select Options on left menu and go to Advanced Settings
  a. Leave other fields as it is
  b. Proxy serv. Address:
  c. Proxy port no: 8000
4. Return back to Connection, Settings.
5. Go to Packet Data/GPRS:
  a. Packet data conn: When available
  b. Access point: ntwap
6. Restart your set and you are now ready to surf internet
Make following connection if third party application is not installing/running
Follow upto point 2
1.Connection name: Ntnet
2.Access point: ntnet
3.Authentication: Normal
4.Use this setting when the third party application request for connection.

NTC GPRS Setting for Nokia 3120
  1. Go to Menu, Services, Settings
  2. Go to Connection Settings
  3. Edit one of the settings
    1. Settings Name: Ntc
    2. Homepage:
    3. Session Mode: Permanent
    4. Connection Security: off
    5. Data Bearer: GPRS
    6. Select Bearer Settings
    7. GPRS Connection: When needed
    8. GPRS access point: ntwap
    9. IP address:
    10. Authentication Type: Normal
    11. Leave username and password blank
  4. Save the settings and return back to menu
  5. Restart your set and you are now ready to surf internet
NTC GPRS Setting for Nokia 5800
  1. Menu
  2. Setting
  3. Connectivity
  4. Destination
  5. Access Point
    1. Automatically check for available access point
    2. Yes
    3. Name: NTC
    4. Select wap services
  6. Then go to wap services
  7. Option-Edit
    1. Connection name: NTC
    2. Access point name: ntwap
    3. Authentication : normal
    4. Option-Advanced setting
              i.proxy address:
              ii.proxy port: 8000
  8. Back
  9. Option –new access point
  10. Automatically check for available access point
  11. Yes
  12. Provide name: ntnet
  13. Access point name: ntnet
  14. Authentication: normal
  15. Back, Back.

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