Sunday, January 24, 2016

Google secret tips and tricks

Here are some great Google search tips and tricks. I hope that this information will be useful for you.
1. Use “site” command to see all the images of a site. In Google images site ( enter site:
2. If you want to search a quote/phrase simply type “quotes or phrase” with the quote symbol. This method is very useful if you want to limit your search result.
3. Try searching like this ~money and it will display synonyms of words in a search result like coin, cash and currency etc. To exclude any synonyms simply type ~money –cash -coin

4. If you want definition on something just type define: computer
5. If you want to search pages containing either one or other keywords use OR word. Example: type man or women this will return pages containing “man” as well as the pages that include “women” (not necessarily both) and those pages that include both words. Note that if you type man women result page will contain results for pages with both man and women.
6. To include any word in your search result type your keyword + word to include example: electricity + bulb
7. To exclude any word in your search result type your keyword – word to include example: electricity – bulb
8. If you want to search a page with certain title simply type intitle: your phrase example: intitle: computer
9. If you want to search for universities then you would better go to
10. You can use Google as a unit converter. Try this 1 meter in feet or 1234 seconds in years
11. You can now use Google to plot various 2D and 3D graphs. This has really helped geeks in plotting various graph with a lot of convenience. The actual use of Google as a graph plotter not that hard as well. All you have to do is write your desired equation on Google search field and hit enter. You will see the graph in the result page. Isn’t that simple and elegant. Try this:
Go go Google and paste this and hit enter and see the magic of Google graph plotter sin(x^(1.7/6)+4)+(1/x))+10   
Above example is a 2D plot and you can get your had dirty with a 3D plot as well. 3D plot in Google works exactly like the 2D plot. Just give your equation and viola, you have your plot. The interesting thing here is the resulting plot rotates and gives you the three dimensional view of the graph. Try this on Google search cosh(x) * cosh(y) or my trial to make a cone (-x*y)/(x+y) or sqrt(x^2-y^2)

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