Saturday, September 19, 2015

Disable Game request notification on Facebook

Are you tired of receiving those game request from your friends? You don’t play games on Facebook and you don’t like to crush candies but you still get request from your friends anyways. Worry no more – here is a way you can disable any and all game request coming to you. Follow these steps and you will permanently rid yourself from these annoying requests. Please note that you need Facebook mobile App to complete these step:
1. Open your Facebook App on mobile and go to more as shown below:

2. Scroll down to Settings and go to Account setting

3. On settings, go to Apps

4. Once you are inside App, click on the platform settings

5. Once you are on Platform, under Game invites and App Notifications select No. 

6. Done. Now you are free from game request and invitations.
Note: This method will disable all game requests. If you want to disable request from only one game (example: Candy crush), go to the app link and you should find a setting to block that Facebook app from sending you notifications.

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