Monday, September 21, 2015

Save yourself from embarrassment on Facebook

Recently, there has been a lot of post and tags connecting you with some very explicit content. Your friend will see this post/app and they will also see that you have tagged your friends on Facebook in such post. The dangerous part of this whole thing is that you might not know that a malicious app is using your name and Facebook account to expand their content. These content generally contains explicit sexual photo which is not appropriate for work or not appropriate in general to display on public websites. Even though these apps are deleted by Facebook as soon as possible, but if you become the victim of this, it will be too late for you as damage will have been done. So, to prevent yourself from embarrassment on Facebook from these malicious posts, you can follow these steps:

Review tags that people add to your posts before they appear

  1. Click at the top right of any Facebook page and select Settings
  2. In the left column, click Timeline and Tagging
  3. Look for the setting Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook? and click Edit to the far right
  4. Select Enabled from the dropdown menu
  5. Once this is enable, you will get a notification when someone tags you and you can approve or disapprove this to show on your timeline by going to the post.

Stop people from posting on your Timeline

  1. Click in the upper-right corner of any page and select Settings
  2. In the left column, click Timeline and Tagging
  3. Find the setting Who can post on your Timeline? and click Edit to the far right
  4. Select Only Me from the dropdown menu

Revoke permission of suspicious apps

You can also revoke the permission of suspicious apps by going to this URL

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